Buying tickets second-hand? Here’s what you need to know.
Secondary Market SHIFT Tickets (Buying & Selling off of Humanitix)
The SHIFT team strives to maintain a group of legitimate folks in the SHIFT Festival Ticket Exchange FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/379146679239220/.
Tixel also allows people to maintain a list (and waitlist) for tickets:
Click Here to get on the Waitlist!
Selling/Gifting a Ticket to Someone You Know:
If you are selling or giving away your ticket to SHIFT, you do NOT have to transfer your ticket to the new person. All you need to do is give the QR code to the new person, who will use that ticket at the gate.
If you do choose to transfer the ticket to their name, we suggest “editing” the name on the ticket. You can do that using the Edit Order button in the order confirmation email you received from Humanitix. Only the original ticket owner can edit the name on the ticket.
We recommend that the new ticket holder follow Tectonic on social media and/or sign up for our email list to get the latest info, tips, and safety notices about SHIFT: http://eepurl.com/gXe6UX
NOTE: Unless you use Tixel, the buyer WILL NOT be able to edit/transfer the ticket again. They must ask you to make further changes. As the original owner, only you have control. SHIFT is not responsible for and cannot change the name on tickets. Using Tixel is the only way to allow a new transferee complete control of their ticket, and remove any responsibility from yourself as the original owner.
Selling a Ticket to Someone You Do NOT Know:
Option 1: Follow the directions above to transfer your ticket (or not). Please be careful when selling or purchasing tickets. SHIFT and Tectonic is not responsible for scammers and fake accounts.
Option 2: Best practice is to use Tixel with someone you don’t know.
Using Tixel is for people who do not know who they want to sell their ticket to or purchase it from and wish to use an escrow service for the protection of each party. This could be someone you met through the online ticket exchange, for example. This is the most secure way of finding a buyer/seller and conducting an exchange.
Transfers can be made following these instructions: https://tixel.com/help/articles/seller/what-if-i-have-found-a-buyer-privatelyy
Unless you use Tixel, the buyer WILL NOT be able to edit/transfer the ticket again. They must ask you to make further changes. As the original owner, only you have control. SHIFT is not responsible for and cannot change the name on tickets. Using Tixel is the only way to allow a new transferee complete control of their ticket, and remove any responsibility from yourself as the original owner. https://tixel.com/tickets/shift-festival-grass-valley
Keep in mind that there are fees associated with this to the buyer and possibly to the seller. Tixel provides an escrow service, so payments are protected for both buyer/seller.